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What IS Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR)?
'CBR is a strategy within community development for the rehabilitation, equalization of opportunities and social inclusion of all adults and children with disabilities. CBR is implemented through the combined efforts of disabled people themselves, their families and communities, and the appropriate health, education, vocational and social services.' (ILO, UNESCO, WHO Joint Position Paper 2004).

CBR is a strategy to fully include people with disabilities in society. It does this by specifically including people with disabilities in community development plans, and by breaking down barriers – and changing people’s attitudes – that otherwise prevent their full participation in everyday life.

We bring you more about CBR in this issue.

All the best,

The South African Society of Physiotherapy

Articles co-written by:
Maryke Bezuidenhout/ Rural Physiotherapist KZN/Chairperson RuReSA
Jean Elphick | National Manager: Empowerment Programme: Children with Disabilities and Their Families

Only persons with degrees obtained at institutions approved in terms of the Higher Education Act may call themselves physiotherapists, whether the work is performed on animals, humans, or in any field of interest.

The content is for information and educational purposes only. The South African Society of Physiotherapy (SASP) has attempted to provide recent and accurate information at the time of publication. The SASP does not assume liability for the use of information contained in this communique. It also does not replace, nor should it be considered an alternative to a medical consultation.  Copyright SASP. All rights reserved.
The term Community-based Rehabilitation (CBR) could be misleading
CBR is in fact less about rehabilitation and more about social justice and inclusive development. Read more...
Why is CBR relevant to South Africa?
People with disabilities are more likely to be poor, are less likely to be employed, and less likely to have access to appropriate education. Read more...
What role could a physiotherapist play in implementing CBR?
Physiotherapists could be directly involved in a CBR program - for example as a non-clinical, technical advisor to the project/program. Read more...
How do I learn more about CBR?
To learn more about CBR, please refer to the CBR Guidelines published by the World Health Organization in 2010.
The lighter side of life
Laughter is life's best medicine. 

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