Your success depends on others

Your success depends on others. That is the principle that an exemplarily career in the US NAVY SEALS (Sea, Air and Land Teams) has taught Admiral William H. McRaven.

During a routine parachute jump, things went horribly wrong for Admiral McRaven.

While in mid-air, another jumper slid beneath him, intersecting his path to the ground. The jumper’s chute opened beneath him, hitting Admiral McRaven like a deployed airbag and causing him to spin out of control.

Admiral McRaven’s parachute wrapped around his body and his legs got entangled in the nylon straps that connect the main parachute to the harness on his back.

When his canopy opened, the nylon straps violently pulled apart, taking his legs with them. His pelvis separated instantly as the force ripped his torso and the multitude of muscles that connect the pelvis to the body were torn from their hinges.

Admiral McRaven survived, but also suffered many other serious injuries that required intensive surgery, a seven-day hospital stay, and he was bedridden for another eight weeks.

But it was during this time that Admiral McRaven realised how much others have done for him over many years.

During his stretch in the SEAL Teams he had many setbacks, he says. But, in each case someone came forward to help him. Someone who had believed in him, someone who saw his potential, someone who helped advance his career. Everything he has achieved was as a result of others who helped him along the way, he says.

Admiral McRaven therefore offers the following advice:

  • None of us are immune at what life throws at us
  • It takes a team of good people to get you to where you want to be
  • You can’t get there without a little help
  • Find someone to share your life with
  • Make as many friends as possible
  • And never forget that your success depends on others.
Article by Martlé Keyter, MISA CEO Operations.

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