What makes a good employee?

Great employees share certain characteristics. Make sure you are one of them by doing the following.

Do your best work at work every day
You are being paid to perform at your best. While nobody is at the top of their game every single day, your heart should always be in it. If not, you are not being fair to your employer, customers or colleagues.

Demonstrate your integrity
Integrity is one of the fundamental values an employer looks for. It demonstrates your  moral and ethical values.

Be part of the team
The success of a company often depends on how well it performs as a team. Teamwork helps to bring out the best in each other. Some sports teams may have less talented players than others, but better teamwork often see them outperform those teams made up of better individual players.

Display a positive attitude
Maintain a positive attitude, even during tough times. Perform big or small projects with the same manner of enthusiasm. Be helpful and never say “it’s not my job”.

Take initiative
Rather than wait for something to happen, make it happen! Initiative is about taking charge. Don’t wait to be asked before doing something.

Article by Martlé Keyter, MISA's CEO: Operations

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