Don’t become a victim of road rage

Most of us have some experience of being on the receiving end of someone else’s aggression on the road. It is never a good idea to retaliate, so rather avoid the risk as far as possible.

Here’s what to do if you are faced with such a situation:

Keep calm and show restraint
Every journey brings the risk of frustration and conflict. Make a pledge to be patient. Avoid using your horn or making gestures in anger.

Don’t compete
Avoid competition and resist the desire to ‘get even’. If the standard of someone else’s driving disappoints you, don’t attempt to educate or rebuke them.

Exercise patience
Don’t push into traffic queues. If you wait and clearly signal, you won’t wait long before another driver lets you in. But they don’t like being forced into giving way.

Say thank you; say sorry
Courtesy encourages co-operation on the road. If you make a mistake (and we all do!) or perhaps cut things a bit fine, then a gesture of apology avoids confrontation and helps defuse anger.

Move away from trouble
If you feel seriously threatened by another driver, rather make way or drive to the nearest police station or busy area (such as petrol station forecourts).

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