Have you done your MIOSA registration yet?
Levies payable to the MIOSA are now a legal requirement for the Automotive Industry.

Since the accreditation of the office of MIOSA on 17 October 2014, subscription to the office is now compulsory and, as such, has become a Regulation of the Consumer Protection Act and levies payable to the MIOSA are now a legal requirement for the Automotive Industry.

Adhering to the Code will not be a voluntary process for suppliers anymore, as the Code is now law for the entire Automotive Industry.

The Automotive Industry for the purposes of the Code means:
  • Importers, distributors, manufacturers, retailers, franchisors, franchisees, suppliers and intermediaries who import, distribute, produce, retail or supply passenger, recreational, agricultural, industrial or commercial vehicles including, but not limited to, passenger vehicles, trucks, motorcycles, quad cycles, boats and trailers;
  • Importers, distributors, manufacturers, retailers or suppliers of completed components and accessories for vehicles;
  • Anyone rendering a related repair or replacement service on vehicles to consumers;
  • Anyone who modifies, converts, or adapts vehicles.
For more information click here.
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