How to turn a bad day around

How can you change your mood when you’ve started your day off on the wrong foot? How do you stop annoyances from dragging you down and killing your productivity? Harvard Business Review offers some tips.

Pinpoint the problem
The earlier you catch your bad mood, the easier it will be to do something about it. It’s also important to pinpoint and name what’s going on. Having a concrete reason for your unhappiness gives you something to work on.

Take a moment to be grateful
One of the simplest ways to focus on the positive is to think about what you’re grateful for, whether it’s your job, your children, or the clothes on your back. What are three good things that are going on in your life right now? Consider saying them out loud or writing them down. This will help you get some perspective on the bad day.

Take action
Another way to stop yourself from feeling negative is to take a single concrete action. Send that email that you’ve been meaning to get to or make a phone call you’ve been dreading.

Change your routine
If you’re feeling miserable, take a short break. A change of scenery often helps signal to your brain that the current mood doesn’t need to be sustained. You can also do something you enjoy, like listening to music or a podcast or catching up on news.

Read the full article by Amy Gallo here.

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