Transformation: you have a role to play

Despite employment equity drives to include people of diverse backgrounds in the workplace there is still a long way to go.

What stands in our way? Mindset is often the biggest barrier.

Mention diversity in the workplace and people immediately think exclusivity, yet transformation is aimed at creating greater inclusivity in the workplace and the economy.

Transformation is therefore not aimed at excluding others; it is aimed at including more people with different backgrounds, experience, views, and expertise. 

Myths about transformation

Transformation is not the advancement of one racial demographic over and at the exclusion of others. 

It is not the advancement of one gender at the exclusion of another.

It is not the ejection of older, experienced employees for younger, more educated employees.

It is not about employing people living with disabilities merely in order for the organisation to gain B-BBEE points. 

We all have a role to play

Transformation might be driven by management or even by the board of directors, but every employee within the organisation has a fundamental role to play.

How can you make a positive impact on transformation?

Knowledge and understanding
Gain knowledge and understanding of what transformation entails. Find out about the employment equity plans and strategy within your organisation.

Education, awareness and engagement
Management has the primary responsibility to educate employees on employment equity, but you have the responsibility of embracing and using that education and awareness. Use platforms provided for engaging with management and fellow employees to gain an understanding of how it will impact your environment and clear up any negative perceptions you may have.

Become part of the employment equity/transformation committee or subcommittee, as these are very important in the effective implementation of the organisations’ employment equity plan.

Don’t only focus on the bigger picture, but look for ways in which you can make a difference within your department or team.

Invest in skills development
The growth and development of skills is an important aspect of employment equity. With the help of your organisation or by using other available resources, commit to the enhancement of your skills either within your current portfolio or within another area of development in the organisation. This provides avenues for growth and development for both yourself and your organisation.

Mentor or be mentored
Mentorship is beneficial for both the mentor and mentee. It helps to develop and grow talent across all levels of an organisation and thus opens up avenues for the employment of others.

Article by Thandeka Phiri, MISA’s National Training Manager.

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