What transformation is and what it’s not

Transformation is not a quick-fix activity, nor is it a tick-the-boxes exercise to gain B-BBEE Scorecard points.

Quick-fix activities may encourage politically correct conduct, but also perpetuate the fear of the unknown and the fear of loss of power by those who are used to the old work culture. This holds back organisations from diversifying and transforming in the true sense of the word.

Both management and employees need to take a long-term view of transformation and this starts with changing the way we think about and view transformation.

Meaningful empowerment
Transformation is meaningful empowerment: diverse work teams, with people who contribute different skills sets and views, have diverse backgrounds, different ideas, and varied experiences and knowledge, are usually highly creative, innovative and effective and are of great value to the growth of an organisation.

Therefore, in order to be successful, transformation requires time, resources, systems and the right people to drive and participate on the journey.
As with any legislation, embracing the spirit of the legislation is key to ensuring successful implementation that makes business sense. Ticking the boxes should then follow naturally.

How MISA can assist

Start your transformation journey through the study assistance offered by MISA or by making use of the funding for skills programmes made available by MISA for its members.

MISA, in partnership with the RMI, is rolling out Gender Equality and Disability Management initiatives for the purpose of transforming the motor industry.

Participate and make transformation a reality. 

Article by Thandeka Phiri, MISA’s National Training Manager.

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