Is your body language projecting confidence?

The way we talk, walk, sit and stand all say something about us, and whatever is happening on the inside can be reflected on the outside.

There are sometimes subtle – and sometimes not so subtle – movements, gestures, facial expressions and even shifts in our whole bodies that indicate something is going on.

 By becoming more aware of this body language and understanding what it might mean, you can learn to read people more easily. This puts you in a better position to communicate effectively with them. What's more, by increasing your understanding of others, you can also become more aware of the messages that you convey to them.

There are times when we send mixed messages – we say one thing, yet our body language reveals something different. This non-verbal language will affect how we act and react to others, and how they react to us.

As you observe others, you can identify some common signs and signals that give away whether they are feeling confident or not. Typical things to look for in confident people include:

  • Posture – standing tall with shoulders back
  • Eye contact – solid with a smiling face
  • Gestures with hands and arms – purposeful and deliberate
  • Speech – slow and clear
  • Tone of voice – moderate to low

For example, if you are about to enter into a situation where you are not as confident as you'd like to be, such as giving a big presentation or attending an important meeting, you can adopt these "confidence" signs and signals to project confidence.

Adapted from an article from My Learning Plan

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