How to develop a personal code of integrity

In order to know how to approach difficult situations with integrity, it is important to become clear on your own values and belief systems, writes Jessika Black.

One approach to this is to become more self-aware. Humans have an innate sense of right and wrong. If a behaviour goes against your personal value system you may experience a physical reaction such as a feeling of guilt or unease.

In addition, if you notice yourself looking for ways to justify an action or behaviour that makes you uncomfortable, this could be a sign that you are not being true to your own ethical code. Look to others around you who demonstrate a clear sense of integrity for inspiration.

Another approach might be to clarify your principles in writing. In the book ‘The Habits of Highly Effective People’, Stephen Covey recommends that we develop a personal mission statement to clarify and express our own personal values through a process of introspection and reflection. Having such a manifesto can offer direction when you find yourself faced with difficult decisions that test your integrity.

Taking a principled and ethical approach to decisions related to your work and workplace dynamics can have a positive impact on your life and that of your co-workers. It can also lead to a greater sense of self-respect and self-esteem.

To top it off, it can help advance your career. So, when faced with a moral dilemma in the workplace, large or small, listen to your inner angel – and have the courage and fortitude to do what is right.

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